Spring Flower Container Garden Ideas for You
Container gardens are a great way to add color to your landscape without having to dig a new garden bed or interrupt an existing bed of perennials. Create a spring flower container garden and place it on a porch or patio, or nestle it amid existing flowers, shrubs, or tucked along a garden path. Here’s a few ideas to get you started.
Spring flowers offer an array of colorful blooms that mix well together. Daffodils, pansies, and tulips offer a mix of heights. Tuck in a few pussy willow branches for added interest. Use a single container at the front door or use a pair of flower-filled urns to frame your front door.
Photo by Greenhaven Landscapes Inc.
Create a monochromatic look with flowers in the same color family. Hyacinths, windflowers, cyclamen, and alyssum in shades of lavender look pretty with their green leaves. This color combo would look great next to a gray or yellow house.
Photo by KMS Gardens and Design
In a small cement planter, Johnny-jump-ups pair with bloody dock, also known as redvein dock. I have bloody dock in my pond because it likes wet feet and is perfect for use as a marginal aquatic plant. It comes back every year and requires very little care.
Photo by McCullough’s Landscape & Nursery
For a pedestal-style container, incorporate a vining plant like ivy. When the spring blooms fade, replace them with summer flowers but keep the ivy intact. Instead of pussy willows, spring flowering branches were added to this mini garden for added height.
Be sure to include ranunculus into your spring flower container garden. They prefer cooler weather and their rose-like blooms are dainty and appealing. Another oft-overlooked spring bloom is the grape hyacinth. The blue color complements the yellows and pinks of other spring flowers.
Photo by Greenhaven Landscapes Inc.
Your spring flower container garden can be large or small. This collection of containers makes quite the statement at the entrance of the home.
Photo by Greenhaven Landscapes Inc.
This smaller, simpler container is equally pretty and can be set almost anywhere.
Photo by KMS Gardens and Design
I hope this collection of spring containers has your creative juices flowing. If you don’t like figuring out what flowers to pair together, let your local garden center do it for you.
Beautiful post, Jennifer.
On another topic, do you know of a resource that cleans out ponds? Mine is 8×6 with no plants or fish currently. It needs to be drained and cleaned. Any help will be appreciated,
Happy Easter from St. Charles!
I love spring time!!! My husband and I recently moved to a home on 160 acres and has one of the many benefits was the eleven ponds. To our delight, we noticed Irises and daffodils planted everywhere. The four ponds that are near the home have Irises planted around the entire perimeter. When I say entire, I mean thousands, and thousands of Irises. We knew the prior owner had a love of flowers, as this winter we cleaned out a closet and found some pictures of him actually planting those irises. All I can think of is how hard he worked, but what joy they brought him, and now my husband and I get to reap that love as well. I will take a picture and send it once they are in full bloom. Thank you for the many photo inspirations!! I will definitely consider adding spring bulbs into planters for next year when I do the much needed bulb and rhizome divisions.
Hi Jen, I just love your new Pond & Garden blog! All these “pretties” have me itching to start digging in the dirt. Thanks for another fun post.
All those flowers were so pretty, I planted some dianthus and petunias in an old wheelbarrow, I just hope they make it the wind has been awful here.